Ministry & Leadership
- Teamwork & Working in Teams
Cross-Culturally - Understanding Leadership
- Leadership Character Qualities
- Conflict & Resolution
- Financial Elements: Budget, Self-management, Stewardship, & Integrity
- Management, Events & Organization Skills.
- Prayer and Worship Life
- Mercy Ministry & Serving the marginalized
- Vision, Discipline, Cross Cultural Training
- Communication & Public Speaking
- Performing Arts - Conveying a Message with Arts
- Debriefing, Evaluation, Analysis & Synthesis.
Ministry & Leadership Development equips participants to develop their leadership skills, to be effective in various areas of ministry and leadership.
The goal is that the training will develop the student in leadership, responsibility, delegation, working in teams, management, strategy, research, reflective practices, servant leadership, personal leadership, discipline and character formation.
The training will offer platforms for practicum, as you work in and lead a team. You will experience a comprehensive daily routine encompassing academic, physical and relational activities.
What To Expect
- To discover your place in the mission and your life calling; to develop your talents and gifts.
- Grow in understanding and the ability to work in multicultural teams.
- Apply keys in communication, conflict resolution, and debriefing.
- Gain understanding in key aspects in the life of the leader
- Develop skills to communicate effectively and deliver a short teaching confidently and competently.
- Be equipped and have the opportunity to apply the principles of project leadership in the context of serving leadership in reaching out to the marginalised and through charity work.
- Understanding the work among the poor and needy.
- Discover servant leadership, spiritual authority, team leadership, submission, decision making, spiritual leadership, learning in leadership.

Course Overview
The Ministry and Leadership Development is from 12 months long, incorporating weekly lectures in tandem with an integrated internship for practical ministry application. It will take place in Hong Kong training and working with different areas of the ministry.
Start Date: July 2024
We invite you to come on board and have an incredible time of learning and serving with us!
Prerequisite: DTS & DTS Field Assignment