How does our work help society?


Underprivileged Children

Source: Environmental Protection Department. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Food Bank Operation

We collect a surplus of dry foods and vegetables from a variety of donors. We have regular and ad-hoc donation which arise from various scenarios, such as: products that are near the end of their shelf life, generous partners who share their surplus with us and donations due to special seasons, such as Chinese New Year and Christmas, just to name a few.

Sorting / Quality Check
In our warehouse the donations undergo a quality check and a sorting process in which we record and determine on how the food will be redistributed to our partner charities and feeding programs.

Then we distribute to the community of Hong Kong through our feeding programs and through our partners.
Our foodbank is currently serving 55 organisations with regular food distributions.
We are so surprised that this special sort of food comes to us for free. We could never afford it. Thank you!